Dream. Design. Develop. Refine. Manufacture. Supply. Gather Data. Data Mine. Dream. Design. Develop. Refine. Manufacture. Supply. Gather Data. Data Mine. Dream. Design. Develop.......
This is what we do all day, every day.
Our devices are designed to benefit mankind.
Today, our focus is to provide valuable feedback and wellbeing insights to our Helo wearers.
We have the technology, design skills and software capability in-house to deliver our unique, connected wearable technology to a global market. Our database contains extensive multi-ethnic, vital signs and biometric data which not only informs our in-house development, but is also available on an anonymized basis to corporate partners.
Our unrivaled access to the wearer through our exclusive direct sales model secures a closed market for our current offering and a ready market for future product offerings.
Helo Life Sensing Technology allows wearers to monitor their vital sign 24/7, using the most advanced sensors on the market obtaining accurate vital sign measurements which include Blood Pressure, ECG, Hearth Rate, Breath Rate, Mood and Fatigue.